Make Your Problem as Your Spirit

by - Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Assalamualaikum, Wr.Wb 
I always feel sad when trouble comes suddenly when comfort was like I felt.
At that moment I could only cry and learn to always believe there will be happiness after this,
although it's not yet know when will I feel it.
Do Naturally, if I like that?
Sometimes I think whether other people feel same way I feel?
I want to tell all of it to others about what my experienced during this
Not to want to be pitied, but I just want us together to learn to be grateful 
Yes grateful, because it's still considered by Allah SWT for the blessings given problem
Because I feel for when Allah SWT allowed the problem present in my life,
While it was, I should always strive to make every problem that is present in my life is a passion for me to be a better person in the future.
In shaa allah Amin YRA

Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb 

August, 23th 2016


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